How did your brand stack up over the Cyber 5 on Amazon UK?
Check out the definitive recap report that covers in-depth details about Sales, Promotions, Discounts, Sponsored and Organic Search for every major Amazon UK category during the Cyber 5 event.
Report Includes:
- Top Brands by Share of Sales
- Badge Breakdown by Type
- Top-Promoted Brands
- Discounts on Best-Selling Items
- Sponsorship Activity by Ad Type
- Sponsorship Activity by Brand
- Top-Sponsored Keywords
- Top-Sponsored Items
- Most Visible Brands
- Most Visible Keywords

Fill out the form to download your free report
The Ultimate Cyber 5 Recap | Live Webinar
- Which departments, brands, and items saw the best performance
- What items and departments were trending this year and how to prepare for next year
- How to take advantage of free resources that can be used to recap your brand's performance
- Omnichannel strategies to win online and in-store next year
Access our Free Cyber 5 Tool
Check out our free tool to learn how your brand performed in any category over the Cyber 5.
This first-of-a-kind resource covers sales, promotions, discounts, sponsored search, and brand visibility on Amazon, Amazon.co.uk, and Walmart.
Not only does it provide details on a single brand but also the category as a whole, with details on top performers in each area.
Free 30-minute Cyber 5 Audit
Are you interested in learning about how your brand performed during the Cyber 5 across Amazon and Walmart?
Join us for a 30-minute Cyber 5 Audit Session where we'll review your brand's performance across sales, promotional activity, sponsored search, and impressions for the category of your choice. We will also provide insights on how you could improve next year.